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Oxygen Sensor

在使用(yòng)三元催化轉換器以減少排氣污染的發動機上,氧傳感器是必不可(kě)少的元件。由于混合氣的空燃比一旦偏離理(lǐ)論空燃比,三元催化劑對CO、HC和NOx的淨化能(néng)力将急劇下降,故在排氣管中(zhōng)安(ān)裝(zhuāng)氧傳感器,用(yòng)以檢測排氣中(zhōng)氧的濃度,并向ECU發出反饋信号,再由ECU控制噴油器噴油量的增減,從而将混合氣的空燃比控制在理(lǐ)論值附近。 前後兩個氧傳感器隻是作(zuò)用(yòng)不同而已。前氧傳感器的作(zuò)用(yòng)就是在“閉環控制”的時候,向發動機電(diàn)腦反饋排放廢氣中(zhōng)氧含量,發動機電(diàn)腦根據此信号修正噴油量。 後氧傳感器安(ān)裝(zhuāng)在三元催化轉換器的後方,後氧傳感将三元催化轉換器後方的氧含量反饋給發動機電(diàn)腦,發動機電(diàn)腦将兩個氧傳感器的信号進行對比,正常情況下前氧傳感器的信号高于後氧傳感器,如果兩個氧傳感器的信号相同,證明三元催化轉換器失效。



Product Description

Oxygen sensor is mandatory in application of catalyst to optimize exhaust. When air-fuel ratio of mixed air is off 14.7 to 1, the purification ability of catalyst to CO, HC, and NOX will decrease, so oxygen sensors are installed inside exhaust pipe to check the concentration of oxygen, and send the feedback signal to ECU, then ECU will control petrol injection to make sure the air-fuel ratio is near 14.7 to 1.


Usually there are two oxygen sensors installed, one is in front of catalyst called upstream oxygen sensor, and the other is at the back of catalyst called downstream oxygen sensor. Upstream oxygen sensor checks the concentration of oxygen in exhaust and send the signal to ECU, ECU will then adjust dosage of petrol injection; downstream oxygen sensor also checks the concentration of oxygen after catalyst, and send the signal to ECU, ECU will then compare the two signals sent from upstream sensor and downstream sensor, normally, the signal from upstream sensor should be higher than that of downstream sensor, if the two signals are the same, that means the catalyst may have failed.

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